The 2024-26 New Georges Jam
Artist-led and collaboration-based, The Jam was founded in 2010 as a group for early-career playwrights and directors, and it’s sure been a kick to see it evolve to reflect how artists create now. This cycle, we ecstatically welcome a crowd of intergenerational iconoclasts making work in a multitude of theatrical disciplines. Meet them below and consider the mini-bios a teaser… click on their websites or give ’em a Google to see just how accomplished they all are.
You can stay in The Jam for as long as it serves you, and our 12 new Jammers join 15 who return (some as active collaborators, some as community members): Liz Appel, Lyndsey Bourne, Ellarose Chary, Amina Henry, Kimille Howard, Charlene Jean, Alex Keegan, Katelynn Kenney, Divya Magwani, Eli Nixon, Nadira Simone, Ashley Olivea Teague and of course brilliant Jam co-facilitators Thalia Sablon, Dina Vovsi, and Deepali Mattoo Gupta Zeer. Learn more about them here!