You’ve found a portal to New Georges’ productions, programs and parties, past and present. Have fun tooling around!
The Jam is New Georges’ collaboration-based “performance gym” for theatermakers in all disciplines. Every two years, we have the pleasure of introducing you to an exhilarating group of new members!…
in which Jam-generated new works head out for a test drive! …through “proof of concept” excerpts that demonstrate Jam artists’ ultimate vision for their piece. Tuesday May 14 Wednesday May…
New Georges and the 2021 Jam are grateful for the generous support of Jody Falco and Jeffrey Steinman. The biennial process of finding new members for The New Georges Jam…
This year’s Jam! The 2019-20 New Georges Jam is co-led by Estefania Fadul, Julia May Jonas and Adrian Einspanier, and boasts these members, too: Bleu Beckford-Burrell, Lydia Blaisdell, Tasha Gordon-Solmon,…
MEET THE NEW JAMMERS AND RETURNEES, TOO! THE 2018-19 JAM IS HERE In this biennial round of finding new members of the New Georges Jam, our collaboration-based lab for early-career…
FRESH JAM: THE NEW GEORGES JAM 2016-17 ROSTER! This summer, our working lab for early-career writers and directors (The New Georges Jam, founded in 2010 by Lucy Alibar, Jess Chayes…
The New Georges Jam, the singular “performance gym” for early-career theatermakers founded in 2010 by Lucy Alibar, Jess Chayes, and Portia Krieger, continues on into a new season with a…